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“Once again, Ms. Cooper’s talent for keeping us engaged in her mysteries prevented me from working or sleeping for a day, as I couldn’t put the book down…” – CS, Cambridge, MA


Marilinne Cooper's excellent suspense novel Blue Moon is set in a New England town reminiscent of Franconia, NH, where she and I went to Franconia College. I read & love this genre, and this book is very well done. Good job, Marilinne!” - PT, New York, NY


“A very good read. I ordered "Butterfly Tattoo" before I finished it. The small town New England setting added a comfortable feel to this title. The plot keeps your attention and this author has created very interesting characters that any reader can identify with.”

JJ, Cleveland OH


“It has been a long time since a book offered such a riveting escape from my day-to-day and I truly enjoyed being drawn into this one.”  AD, Bethlehem, NH

“I can't put these books down- the pages practically turn themselves! Looking forward to reading the next one- I might not sleep tonight!” LA, Littleton, NH


“Did not think it could be as good as the first one. Surprise, it is! Was not let down!”


Just love this book! I don't usually read fiction but a friend recommended the book as a good read. What a pleasant surprise! I plan on reading the rest of Marilinne Cooper's series as soon as Amazon delivers the books.” - HC San Ramon, CA


What a fun read…great story line…fooled me! Author does a really good job of describing "life in the islands, mon'....good read!” - DM, Newport RI


"I finally got some time to read and I started Night Heron, by Marilinne Cooper. I seriously cannot put it down. Such wonderful writing, such a great story!"MF, Los Angeles, CA


"We are hooked on these books!"


"Just finished Night Heron yesterday. Way to go Marilinne Cooper. "


"Jamie and I loved "Night Heron". I read it on the way here and couldn't put it down. Jamie kept pointing things out during the flight and I would just nod and keep reading. I finished it standing up waiting for luggage. Now the 3 Timms are have it and Kri has started it. Jamie and are reading "Blue Moon" and loving it, too, although it is hard to share it."

LG, Sugar Hill, NH


"Just finished Blue Moon. Couldn't put it down. Started Sun . afternoon and finished Mon."


"Marilinne, I've hardly slept this weekend as I was consumed by Butterfly Tattoo. It was great!! I love your writing. Keep doing it!"


"I've read all the whole Tyler Mackenzie series now and can't wait for the next one. These are FUN reads, an afternoons escape sitting by the woodstove on a bitter winter day, an afternoons escape in a hammock on the beach. Just about to order Jamaican Draw!"

ES, Concord, VT


"Just love this book! I don't usually read fiction but a friend recommended the book as a good read. What a pleasant surprise! I plan on reading the rest of Marilinne Cooper's series as soon as Amazon delivers the books."


"Loved this book! A friend recommended it and I decided to give it a try. Could not put it down! Reading the entire series! Friends are reading it and loving it too!"


“Marilinne Cooper is a born storyteller! This is a terrific read, an exciting adventure story with an eccentric cast of characters. The perfect beach vacation goes dramatically awry in this new page turner. Can’t wait for the next chapter in the Tyler Mackenzie saga!”   L. J., Providence, RI


“What a cast of characters! Feels like I've know many of them for years. Quirky, yet endearing. Sexy, yet salty. And, the setting? Such beautiful descriptions of island paradise(s). Wish I lived there. Great blend of romance (or just plain sex) and intrigue. Super fun read”   W.M., Culebra, PR


“Great read just like the rest of her books!” A.D., Franconia, NH


“This is the best one yet!”  S. M. Bethlehem, NH

© 2014 by Marilinne Cooper



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